pp108 : Making an App Available to a Mobile User

Making an App Available to a Mobile User

This topic describes making an App available to a Mobile User.

You can make an App available to a Mobile User by doing the following:

The examples provided in this topic are for viewing the pages developed using the SDK. Also, you can add other HTML pages.

  1. You can create a HTML page using HTML5 SDK. For more information on getting started, see Getting Started with the SDK.
  2. Access your Workspace Documents. For information on accessing the workspace, refer to step 1 of Getting Started with Document Creation.
  3. Create a new workspace or access the existing workspace. For more information on working with a workspace, refer to Creating a Workspace.
  4. You can create a new project or access the existing project. For more information on working with a project, refer to Creating a Project.
  5. Right-click your project and select New. A list of the available Documents is displayed.
  6. Select    (External User Interface). An  External User Interface window is displayed.

    Note: If the External User Interface option is not available in the menu, you must click Other. The New Document window is displayed. Select External User Interface from the available list of Documents.

  7. Provide NameDescription, and Application URL. You can provide the other details, if required. You can provide a relative path beginning with the root folder for your Application URL. For example, an  Application URL with the path '<organization URL>/html5/demo/approval.htm' must be provided as 'html5/demo/approval.htm'.
  8. In the Task Properties pane, add the Tag Names as Mobile. If you want to add a custom icon for the app, you can provide the value in the Icon URL  .You can provide the other details, if required.
  9. Click    (Save).
  10. Click   (Menu). The Quick Access Menu pane is displayed.
  11. Click Publish
  12. Assign the task to the user or to the role of the user who would be using this form in runtime. 
    For example, if a user with the role Manager wants to view an app called Employees (an External User Interface created using this procedure) on the mobile, assign the External User Interface  Employees to Manager role in the User Manager.

After your Application is tagged as Mobile and assigned to the User or any Role,  it will be listed as an app in the Apps tab of the Mobile Landing page.

After you complete this task:
Open the registered server instance from the mobile Process Platform APP to view the Mobile Landing page. If you have not registered yet, refer to  Managing Process Platform Instances for a detailed procedure to register a Server instance.
